Designer CombinationPastel (Co-Dominant)
Black Pastel (Co-Dominant)
Proven by:
Gulf Coast Reptiles (2002)The Black Pewter Ball Python is a designer morph, as it was created by man. This is a cross between a Black Pastel, and a Pastel (often known as a Jungle Pastel.)
A Pewter is a near silver and black hatchling. As they grow, their coloring is a very pale tan/grey base with extreme fading dorsally and laterally with a clear white belly
Pewters can also be made by crossing a Pastel with a Cinnamon Pastel, but to save confusion, we will refer to that as a Cinnamon Pewter.
There have been several different imported animals that are the original Black Pastels, imported to various breeders. Each of these, with it’s offspring, have established a different “line” of black pastel. Each line tends to have some slightly different characteristics and subtleties. The various lines of Black Pastel I am aware of, are:
- Gulf Coast Reptiles
- Ian G. (Outback Reptiles)
- Graziani
- Gary Liesen
- Tom Barnhart
Do you have more information you can share about this morph?